Enrolment appointments with the Principal can be made by contacting the school office.
In order to enrol your child at our school you will need the following:
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All school related costs (including FOOS and OJSC) can be paid through the online website Kindo. The link for this site is on the school app.
Activity Fee:
This fee will cover the cost of buses and activities throughout the year to save collecting small amounts as these happen. The amount will be advised at the beginning of the year.
School Donation:
The school donation assists us in meeting the growing demands of resources needed for the school. Because we are a decile 10 school we get considerably less funding from the government than other schools. Therefore we really appreciate the tremendous support we get from our families in paying the school donation. If you would prefer to pay by automatic payment, please arrange at the school office. The amount will be advised at the beginning of the year.
New entrant stationery packs are available at the school office.
It is compulsory for the children to wear a regulation sunhat in terms one and four if they are playing outside. These are available from the school office. We are able to sell these cheaply as they are subsidised by FOOS (Friends of Oakura School).